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Recently, although the mortality rate has been on the rise mainly due to illnesses, research has shown that simple muscular strengthening exercises such as push-ups, squats, lunges, and sit-ups could be the key to increasing the number of years you live.According to WHO, the leading causes of death are heart diseases and cancer, which can be prevented through exercises. In a recent study by the University of Sydney, that was conducted on more than 80000 adults, it unleashed the health benefits of doing strength exercises.

This has been the most extensive study making a comparison on the mortality outcomes of the various types of exercises.This study found out that people who did strength-based exercises had a 23% reduction rate in premature death and a 31% reduction rate in cancer-related deaths.

Aerobics and Strength Based Exercises

Previous research on the benefits of exercises to the body as people age had been conducted widely.More attention had been given to aerobic activities in the past because of the numerous benefits such as cardiovascular fitness and overall functioning.However, recently, the focus has shifted to strength-focused workouts due to the little research conducted on the effects of strength-based exercises on mortality before; this is according to the lead author of the study, Associate Professor Emmanuel Stamatakis, who is from School of Public Health and Charles Perkins Centre.

Associate Emmanuel Stamatakis added that strength-based exercises are as important to the body as aerobic activities like cycling or jogging.Also, assuming the findings reflected a cause-effect relationship, it may be more crucial in reducing the risk of death from cancer.According to the world health organization's physical activity guidelines, an adult is recommended to have 150 minutes of aerobic activity, and an addition of two days doing muscle-strengthening exercises every week.

The lead author of the study, Emmanuel says that the government and public health authorities have failed to promote strength-based guidelines in the society.Thus it has misinterpreted how active a nation is.For instance, the Australian national nutrition and physical activity survey, which is based on aerobic activity alone, reports inactivity rate of 53 percent.Nevertheless, when the World Health Organization's strength based guidelines are put into place, findings indicate that 85 percent of people in Australia fail to meet the set recommendations.Only 19 percent of individuals in Australia practice, the amount of muscular strengthening muscles, recommended.This research is meant to encourage more people to expand the number of exercises they do for their wellbeing and health.

Findings of the Research

The findings of this research show that the exercises performed using one's body weight without any specific gym equipment is as effective as the exercises carried out during gym training.The researchers in this study say that it is not necessary for you to go to the gym to lift weights for muscular strengthening exercises.These exercises can be done right at home without any special equipment.  Quite a lot of people feel intimated by the gym, both in the costs and the culture its results.However, the good news is that people can do simple but classic exercises such as sit-ups, lunges or push-ups on their own and still reap an equal measure of health benefits.

This research published in the American Journal of Epidemiology involved sampling a population of more than 80,306 adults and data sourced from the Scottish Health Survey, Health Survey of England together with NHS Central Mortality Register.

This study was observational; nevertheless, various adjustments were made to reduce the influence of other aspects such as sex, lifestyle behaviors, sex, educational level and age.Those participants who had already developed cancer, or cardiovascular diseases or passed away during the first two years of the study were excluded from the research.This move was to prevent collecting faulty or biased results due to those with the pre-conditions getting involved in fewer exercises.

These are the major findings that characterize this research;

i.The findings did not reveal any evidence of an association between cardiovascular disease mortality and strength based exercises.

ii.The research findings proved that exercises done without the gym-based equipment yielded the same result as those that were done in a gym setting.

iii.In this research findings, participation in any strength based exercises was associated with 31 percent reduction rate in cancer deaths and a 23% reduction rate in other mortality causes.

iv.It was found out that those who adhered to the World Health Organization strength based exercises guidelines had a reduced rate of cancer-related death.However, the adherence to WHO's aerobic guidelines in physical activity was not.

v.Also, those who adhered to both the World Health Organization's guidelines on muscular strengthening exercises and aerobic physical activity had a greater risk reduction in mortality than aerobic only.

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With all these observed benefits associated with strength-based muscles, it is time, every adult incorporates them into their daily exercise routine amidst others.This study's main purpose is to bring more awareness to the public on the health benefits of keeping your muscles strong especially in your later years.

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