Vitamin D is defined by as a fat-soluble vitamin that can be found from sun exposure, certain foods, and dietary supplements. Vitamin D is essential for bone formation, bone health, and cell growth, and is one of the most important nutrients needed by the body.

The effects of vitamin D nutrition

Vitamin D when activated, helps absorb calcium nutrients and controls the amount of calcium and phosphate in the body which normalizes the mineralization of bone. It also promotes bone growth and bone strength and prevents the bones from becoming thin and brittle.

Furthermore, vitamin D can help improve immunity to help fight against inflammation, infections, and other diseases.

What happens when there is vitamin D deficiency?

According to, vitamin D deficiency can occur due to limited sun exposure, kidney problems, and digestive tract problems which result in lack of vitamin D absorption. When this happens the body can develop several health problems which include malnutrition, rickets, osteomalacia, hypocalcemia, hyperparathyroidism, and osteoporosis. These conditions may be caused by vitamin D deficiency specifically or other health problems paired with vitamin D deficiency.

Why should you use vitamin D supplements?

Vitamin D can be obtained by the body either through sun exposure, food sources, and dietary supplements. Vitamin D that was sourced from sun exposure is the most natural form of vitamin D. This is because vitamin D produced from the sun's rays occurs inside the body and is not coming from a second-hand source. However, the vitamin D that is produced by the body is not enough, this is why people need to get their daily supply of vitamin D from other sources such as food and supplements.

While it is more natural to get natural D from food sources, there are very few foods that can give vitamin D to our body. To remedy this, vitamin D supplements are manufactured in order to help a person meet its daily vitamin D needs.

According to, vitamin D supplements includes essential vitamin D nutrients such as vitamin D2 and vitamin D3. While both are effective in raising vitamin D levels, vitamin D3 is more recommended by doctors as it is more effective in preventing vitamin D deficiency.

A good vitamin D fruit

Fruits and vegetables are not good sources of vitamin D, however, there is one fruit wherein you can get a boost of vitamin D. This fruit is known as the orange fruit. Oranges, while not as good as other food sources can be fortified to be a good source of vitamin D when turned into orange juice.

Meanwhile, food sources that are more effective in giving vitamin D include mushrooms, fatty fish, cheese, and beef liver.

The effect of vitamin D on calcium

Calcium and vitamin D are two nutrients that go hand in hand in promoting bone health. Without vitamin D, the body cannot properly absorb calcium nutrients which are needed by the body in bone formation and bone strength.

The effect of magnesium to vitamin D

Magnesium is another nutrient that can aid in bone formation and boost bone health. Magnesium is essential for vitamin D absorption and preventing excessive calcification from occurring.

[메디컬리포트=Carissa Marie 기자]

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