The lung is one of the body's major organ that comes in pairs and which is responsible for breathing. It is where the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide happens and is one of the most important organs that is essential for life.

What happens when the lungs are damaged?

When the lungs become damaged or become infected with diseases, problems in the lungs may occur. Among the most common lung problems include chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, pulmonary tuberculosis, and lung cancer.

*Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease refers to a group of progressive lung diseases which includes emphysema, bronchitis, and refractory asthma. This kind of condition progresses in time and can cause permanent damage to the lungs.

*Pulmonary tuberculosis. This is a long condition that is contagious and which is caused by a bacterial infection.

*Lung cancer. Lung cancer occurs when a malignant tumor grows in either one or both of the lungs. It can easily spread to other parts of the body through the bloodstream and is one of the types of cancer which can be difficult to treat.

What are the early symptoms of lung cancer?

According to, lung cancer that develops in the chest can have symptoms that are similar to bronchitis. These symptoms may include coughing, chest pains, bloody coughs, shortness of breath, and hoarseness. Meanwhile, if the cancer cells have already developed in other parts of the body, the patient may feel symptoms of weight loss, fatigue, headache, and swelling.

How does lung cancer surgery works?

One of the most effective ways to treat lung cancer is to remove the lung tumor through surgery. There are different surgical procedures that doctors may perform including pneumonectomy or total lung removal; lobectomy, or total lobe removal; and segmentectomy or partial lobe removal;

The surgical procedure to be done in cancer patients depends on the scope of the tumor. For tumors which affects a large portion of the lungs, total lung removal may be required. Meanwhile, for tumors which are located in the lobes of the lungs, lobectomy or segmentectomy may be done to preserve the whole lungs.

Good food for lung cancer

While a healthy diet is not a treatment for lung cancer, it can, however, manage symptoms associated with the disease. According to, foods that are beneficial in treating cancer and boosting the effects of cancer medications include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, proteins, plant-based fats, and low-fiber foods.

Pulmonary tuberculosis treatment methods

Meanwhile, for other lung diseases such as pulmonary tuberculosis, doctors may prescribe several medicines which are effective in treating serious lung conditions.

Common treatments for pulmonary tuberculosis include isoniazid, pyrazinamide, rifampin, and ethambutol. Your doctors will prescribe how to best take these medicines and when to take these medications daily. It is important to take these medications at the same time every day in order for the treatment to work.

Good food for the lungs

In order to prevent different lung diseases from occurring, it is important that you eat foods which are beneficial in keeping the lungs healthy. Foods which should be eaten to boost the health of our lungs include pumpkin, bell peppers, guava, apples, carrots, potatoes, strawberries, tomatoes, and mushrooms.

Nutrients found in foods good for the lungs

Foods that are good for the lungs usually has nutrients which promote protection against lung cancer, prevention against pneumonia, and improvement of lung function. Nutrients usually found in these foods include carotenoids, vitamin C, folate, vitamin B-6, vitamin D, and antioxidants.

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